The only fully equipped centre in the world providing bedside homoeopathic teaching and training.  |
Pareek Hospital is a unique centre where students and medical doctors are taught the Homoeopathic intricacies of management, at patients bed side. The hospital is unique in providing modern medical diagnostic and surgical facilities under the same roof along with homoeopathic treatment. |
A student can work confidently with his indicated homoeopathic remedies in an ICU along with auxiliary life saving and monitoring equipment. |
The clinical exposure at the hospital not only provides much needed confidence to students and doctors but also imparts the finer aspects of applied Homoeopathy. |
At Pareek Hospital it is the Hahnenmannian application at bed side, Applied Homoeopathy is at its very best incorporating scientific methods and the art of healing. Special emphasis is given to integration of Classical Homoeopathic Philosophy in its pure form and Organon in practice. |
Pareek Hospital Research Centre is one of Agra's most exclusive private hospitals, where the emphasis is very much on ensuring the complete care, comfort, and happiness of our patients. This fundamental philosophy, ombined with the very best professional expertise and medical technology available today is creating an enviable reputation for the hospital. |
The hospital is continuously developing its facilities to keep to the forefront of medical care and works in close association with doctors in order to provide one of the most comprehensive and efficient health care services. |
Private Rooms |
At Pareek Hospital & Research Centre we endeavour to give our patients attentive, individual treatment from the moment they arrive and make them feel as comfortable and secure as possible throughout their stay. Every patient is assured of excellent nursing care and the benefit of the latest medical support services and equipment in a pleasant, friendly environment. |
Our in-patient facilities are comfortable and attractive and provide a wide range of selection to all our valuable patients. We can boast of our A.C. suits, A.C. Single rooms and A.C twin rooms, General Wards have the medical furniture of highest standards for the patient and attendant along with telephone and central call system. Most beds are provided with central oxygen lines and suction to provide immediate access in times of emergencies. |
Facilities |
The dependency paediatric ward and ICU are equipped with sophisticated equipments to provide the utmost care of the critically ill patients viz: cardiac monitors, defibrillator, ventilators, incubators. Both these wards have 24 hours intensive nursing care under the supervision of trained specialist doctors. |
The hospital has on its panel super specialists for GI surgery, urology, Neuro surgery, Plastic surgery, Orthopedics, General medicine, Cardiology, Gynaecology and Paediatrics. Although we are not primarily a paediatric hospital, we have exclusive paediatric care facilities. The unit is backed with advanced life support systems alongwith incubators and Phototherapy Unit. |
Food at Pareek Hospital is of high standard offering excellent choice and balance. Special medical diets are available.The Hospital runs its superspeciality clinics on the premises conducted by specialists of immaculate standing.We gratefully accept admissions under any consultant who would like to keep his patients for the very best medical and nursing care.The in-house pharmacy and pathalogy lab provides full cover at all hours. |
Surgical Unit |
The advance surgical unit provides facilities for General surgery, Urology, Gastroenterology, Endocrine surgery, and Breast surgery. The unit headed by 2 consultant surgeons boasts of O.T. complexes-with advanced technological backup. |
Our Endoscopy unit is functional to provide diagnostic and therapeutic Gastro-intestinal and Urological Endoscopies. The super specialist Endoscopy unit is functional 24 hours a day for immediate use in emergencies. |
Technical Facilities |
Keeping upto-date with medical technology is an important role in today's modern hospitals. The comprehensive facilities at the hospital enable patients to be diagnosed quickly, efficiently and with minimum stress. Soon to be installed are an Image Intensifier and a Mammography unit are also installed for surgical assistance and investigative procedures. |
Mammography Unit |
The Mammography Unit shall initiate a new era in the management of breast diseases in N.India. |
News Horizons |
The hospital has pioneered the field of "Medical Care Package" which provides extensive medical checkup by a team of specialists to detect and care for diseases in very early stages. It is not just a health-screen, it is a new and enjoyable way of life. |